Saturday, October 24, 2009
Pastor Solomon Nganga
The building was huge. A handful of people were gathered, squeezed between a few front rows. The building made the small gathering look like a tiny speck but nevertheless they conducted a well organized and meaningful meeting. Those who gathered knew the meaning of the meeting; A youth service.
A few rows back, a young man sat attentively trying to keep up with the on goings. It felt incredibly great for the group. The meeting began with a word of prayer. David, the youth Chairman possessed a tremendous aura of confidence. He was the leader. He couldn’t exhibit any sign of weakness. The young people gathered had one thing in common; they were thirst and hungry for God.
Phillip a youth Pastor was an inspiring speaker. Everybody liked him. He possessed ability to motivate the young and old to serve God.
The young man in the back felt such a tremendous peace. He was expectant. God was about to speak to him. He was not worried. Anything could happen at any time.
Phillip was leading the meeting. David sat at the front row and kept glancing at his wrist watch. He kept shifting his gaze from the service that was going on and kept starring at the door. The young man couldn’t help noticing and began to wondering what was going on.
He should be here. David thought to himself. Time was running fast. Where was the visitor? Everyone knew that a special visitor was coming anytime.
Phillip had already noticed something was amiss. Take it easy. He thought. Everything gonna be ok! Anyway he was a man who was ready at all time. As a servant of God, the bible admonishes his servants to be ready to preach the gospel in and out of season. He knew for sure that the servant of God was ready and when he called him to the pulpit things would be ok.
David had had enough. He prided himself to be a man in control. This moment was incredibly important and he had to let the small group know that he was in command. He beckoned Phillip and whispered to his ear. Phillip, an alert man had been waiting for this moment. He nodded briefly and walked towards the back row.
In the meantime, the young man bowed in reverence to God. He was cold too. I should have brought my heavy sweater. He thought. But you don’t have to worry, soon the Word of God is gonna light a flame of fire under your skin. As he mulled over these thoughts, he felt a slight tap on his shoulder. He raised his head slowly unsure if that was the touch of God that he had been expecting.
“Solo, today’s preacher is late. Be prepared to preach if he doesn’t show up. Will you?”
The young man could barely speak. He was tongue tied. A thin bead of sweat dripped down his nose. What? Preach? Excuses popped up in his mind. He knew every day he had dreamt of this opportunity. That day he would speak the Word of God.
“Phillip I can’t. How I am going to begin?” Phillip knew this feeling. He had been there too. He looked assuredly at the young man and then left.
The young man face began to twitch nervously. What was going to happen? He prayed with the whole of his heart that the expected preacher would not show up. Or should he? This was an opportunity that was knocking on the door. But the more he thought about this, waves of emotional and physical feelings swept over him.
Oh God. He murmured. Please help me. Beads of sweat flowed shamelessly over his body. The young man was noticeably shaking. He wasn’t cold anymore, but fear of great magnitude he hadn’t experienced before made him hot all over. He bowed his head deep into his hand and began to pray.
Phillip was ready now. He stood and spoke up. He was getting the congregation ready.
“Brethren, I would like to introduce one in your midst. I know him personally and I have seen the fire of God in him. I would like you to put your hands together and welcome him. Brother Solomon.”
The young man stood up. Already his legs were shaking so bad, he could literally hear his knees knocking against each other. This was a young man with no knowledge and experience of preaching. He walked slowly, trying to keep his chin up in the air but failed miserably.
He took over, an unknown and unproven commodity. He murmured a few words trying desperately to gain some courage. He opened his Bible in Isaiah 43:19 and read, “Behold, I am doing a new thing.” All of a sudden the trembling on the lower extremities began to disappear. Words began to form shape and thoughts that were trapped in the deeps of his heart began to be real.
The young man forgot who he was and with tremendous passion exposed the Word of God. Tears of love swelled in his heart and he spoke about the God of his salvation. Gracious God, you are so wonderful, he thought.
The congregation was in tears. Others gaped mouth wide open in disbelief. David and Phillip urged the young man with animated words of ‘Amen, Halleluiah, glory to God, preach it brother, yes, that’s right’ and so on. After a few minutes of tremendous preaching of the Word, the young man stopped, prayed and quietly went back to his seat. The congregation had already caught up with this exciting moment in worship and everybody was praising God.
Little did the young man know that this was the beginning of a tremendous journey that would span him into three continents namely Africa, Europe and now USA preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The characters of this exciting story are real and I hope you enjoy reading the narrative. This is an event that happened somewhere in a town in Kenya. Please contribute where you can.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Remain humble and contrite in your heart
PSALMS 34:18 (KJV)
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
Pride will always bring your downfall. I learnt how important is to remain a humble man from my parents. They taught me the Word of God in simplicity and I learnt from watching the kind of life they had. One important aspect associated with humility is a committed prayer life. I will tell you the truth. Many people never realize how a bad spirit of pride sits upon their lives. If I wanted to excel in ministry and life in general,I have to deal with pride on a daily basis! I know some people including some pastors who have forgotten what God has been doing in their lives, ministry and churches is God’s work.They begin to think their success is due to their own effort. They let their pride swallow them and their hearts are seared to recognize the source of their downfall.
It very important that when you have done all things, you are not a cast away from God’s presence due to pride. The unfortunate thing is that you never really know when pride catch up with you. The most important thing is to have real life check often to see if you are stepping off you boundaries. It is often tough to figure out but the more you are sensitive to the Holy Spirit it becomes easier.
Unfortunately some people completely disregarded the Word of God and purposely lead a life full of pride.It is very disheartening. I am most vocal with some ministers who due to their disregard of God’s Word have a form of Godliness but denying God’s power as Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:5.I usually don't like to speak this animated but i have seen enough to realize God's deserves all the glory and pride is a killer.
But I have good news. It is possible to uproot those horns of pride in Jesus Name. Usually I don’t like to be this forceful but I know how important it is to the Body of Christ. Don’t let pride destroy what God has done in your life and ministry.This is the same word that I keep repeating to myself. Don't let pride destroy your ministry and life.
The Bible says that David was a man after God’s heart.
In the above verse the Bible says that the Lord is near to them that are of a broken spirit. He saves those that are of contrite spirit. One hallmark of a humble heart is a broken and contrite spirit. According to the Encarta Dictionary, it lays the meaning of contrite so simple; Repentant, deeply sorry for having behaved wrongly.
Many people mistakenly think been humble is a sign of weakness। But here is the truth. Humbleness is the springboard of victory to get you to the next challenge. God’s honors a humble and contrite person that He is so pleased to walk with that person. David was a man after God’s heart and it pleased Him. Let the Word of God destroy all those high castles built in your mind. God is pouring His anointing tremendously in these last days and only the humble can keep up with God. Learn to give all the glory to God.
I do remember the many times when I have preached the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. There is tremendous demonstration of God’s power in my meetings. I remember when I began preaching, God’s presence was so much evident with many signs and wonders. I saw sick people get healed, deaf ears opening, many people delivered from demonic oppression and many receiving the Lord Jesus as Lord and Savior in their lives.
At first it was so difficult and I would come off a meeting and I could barely sleep. The glory and anointing of God was so tremendous upon me and I began crying to God to help me give all the glory to God. God is very faithful।
One day He ministered to me that he could help me. He let me know that He was the one ministering to His people and though I was His servant, I could be a witness of all His doing with everybody else. This mentality helped me tremendously; THAT I AM A WITNESS OF THE LORD JESUS. HE COULD DO WHATEVER HE DESIRED and I am only a vessel of honor unto His service.
One day I was ministering in a meeting and during the alter call, a woman who was born deaf and dumb was brought in the meeting. I had seen the Lord healing the sick and I was confident God was going to heal the sick exactly as He had spoken. I knew that God’s word was true and His anointing was working tremendously. I remember this miracle happened before hundreds of people gathered. But the Lord had a lesson to teach me as well.
Just as I surely do after I minister, I began praying for God’s people. God’s power was moving and I give the glory to God for all the people He touched that day. I remember coming to this lady and I began to earnestly pray for her. Friend that was the most uphill battle I faced that day. In my mind I knew I wasn’t doing anything wrong but I was dead right wrong about that. I kept trying doing my usual check that I used to confirm God’s healing but nothing was occurring.
Two things happened that day.
First, the congregation continued to praise God. Praise God in all situations. He deserves all the glory. This whole scenario bothered me a lot. What was going on?
Second, I remember walking away from everyone, kneeling down on my knees in all humility and asking the Lord what I was doing wrong. As soon as I consulted God about the situation, God right away made me understand that it wasn’t my show and that He was in control.
I immediately got up and knowing what the Lord had spoken to me, I picked randomly a sister who was sitting at the front row and requested her if she could do the checks on the lady I had prayed for. I pulled away knowing all the glory was unto the Lord.
Immediately, as soon as the lady began talking to the deaf woman, the deaf ears popped open and right away she could hear and talk. I give all the glory to God। God taught me that day it wasn’t about me but about His only Begotten son Jesus। Every day, I humble and ask God to use me as His vessel. I have often found myself pinching myself hard when God’s is performing His Word. I don’t know why I do that but it is my way of reminding myself that all the glory is unto the Lord.
Friend, God cannot share His glory with man, but He wants so much to bring healing and deliverance to this hurting World. He is looking for a vessel He can use comfortably who is not never a man prideful like an ostrich.
Your comments are deeply appreciated.
Pastor Solomon Nganga
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
John 13:38 (KJV)
Jesus answered him, Wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake? Verily, verily, I say unto thee, the cock shall not crow, till thou hast denied me thrice.
It has been an incredible journey where every day I have desired to lay my life for Jesus. It is a working progress, but needs determination and trust in God. It requires discipline just as Paul says,
1 Cor 9:27 (NKJV)
But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.
It requires been obedient to the Word of God, trusting God in every Word that comes out of His mouth. It requires praying, fasting, and diligent study of the Word of the Lord. Even in the harshest and toughest times it requires us to remember that God is Holy and we are required to remain holy. This topic is wide and extensive, but I would like to share with you some thing that helps me on daily basis to lay my life for Jesus.
Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Be careful not to grieve the Holy Spirit.
Eph 4:30 (KJV)
And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
The New living translation even put it in a more simple way.
Eph 4:30 (NLT)
And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption.
We should be extremely sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Ungodly life brings a lot of sorrow to the Holy Spirit. It is very important to constantly consider our ways so that we do not intentionally grieve the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is that inner voice that directs and speaks to us constantly and on daily basis. It is very important not to have your conscience defiled.
Titus 1:15 (NKJV)
To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.
The more you disobey the prompting of the Holy Spirit the more the mind and the conscience is defiled. The bible even goes ahead to declare how terrible it is to have a carnal mind. It leads to death.
Romans 8:6-7 (KJV)
For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
The more you continue to sin willful, you continue to squeeze the Holy Spirit out of your Life. Been disobedient to God’s Word and instructions through the Holy Spirit ultimately leads Him to depart from you. David realized how much he missed the gentle Holy Spirit when he sinned against God and cried out,
Psalms 51:11-12 (NKJV)
Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit
He knew the importance of the Holy Spirit in his life. Only sin could separate him from God. The Holy Spirit brings that sweet intimate relationship with God. No matter how much I feel things are going okay, I have learnt to continually search my heart for the Word of God says that the heart is desperately wicked.
Jer 17:9-10 (NKJV)
"The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings.
Whatever you do or say, listen to your heart and determine if you are still in obedience to God’s Word. Every day, the Holy Spirit participates in our lives in such an intimate way if we allow Him to be close to us than any other friend. He constantly directs and speaks to us. He tells us not to do what is wrong and what to do right. He inspires us unto Godliness. He enables us overcome sinful thoughts in our minds. He helps us bridle our tongue before we unleash some words that are destructive to self and others. It is surprising how much the Holy Spirit is active in our lives when we let Him. He quickens the Word of God in our lives.
Brethren, I know we live in a world full of challenges, but I urge you to let the Holy Spirit be close to you so that you can be able to have a clean conscience. If you keep ignoring the gentle prodding by the Holy Spirit, your conscience becomes seared. You know longer or care to differentiate evil and good. If you have drawn back, I urge you to read psalm 51 and begin the process of restoration. If you are missing the joy of your salvation, realize it is time to begin seeking God again.
I few days ago I was driving from work in the early morning and I came to a certain stretch of the road. All of a sudden the Holy Spirit gave me this thought saying, " In case of an accident about to happen, won't I direct you what to do to avoid the accident" Immediately I slowed down and within seconds of the prompting of the Holy Spirit, just as He said, right in front of me was a deer. I promptly put my emergency brake and I was able to almost come to a stop and the deer left. That was the same day I was writing this article of how the Holy Spirit constantly speak and give us direction when we allow Him. Please stay in tune with Heaven and our Father thorough the Holy Spirit.
God bless you.
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Pastor Solomon Nganga
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